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Daring Greatly™ – Online via Zoom – Show up, be seen, live brave in extraordinary times.

Zoom , United Kingdom

A 10-week, online, highly experiential, intensive training based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown designed to support men, women, and young people to learn how to show up, be seen, and live braver lives. The primary focus is on developing shame resilience skills and daily practices that transform the way we live, love, parent and lead.

We explore topics such as vulnerability, courage, shame, and worthiness and examine the thoughts, emotions, and behaviours that are holding us back, and we identify new choices and practices that move us toward more authentic and wholehearted living.

Daring Greatly™ – Online via Zoom – Show up, be seen, live brave in extraordinary times.

Zoom , United Kingdom

An 8 session, online, highly experiential, intensive training based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown designed to support men, women, and young people to learn how to show up, be seen, and live braver lives. The primary focus is on developing shame resilience skills and daily practices that transform the way we live, love, parent and lead.

We explore topics such as vulnerability, courage, shame, and worthiness and examine the thoughts, emotions, and behaviours that are holding us back, and we identify new choices and practices that move us toward more authentic and wholehearted living.

Permaculture Day

Clanfield Clanfield, United Kingdom

A day in a third of an acre forest garden with permaculture activist farm Krishna Mckenize.
The day is offered on donation basis and we invite you to bring a dish to share for lunch which will be supplemented with food from the garden.

Daring Greatly™ – Online – Show up, be seen, live brave.

Zoom , United Kingdom

An 8 session, online, highly experiential, intensive training based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown designed to support men, women, and young people to learn how to show up, be seen, and live braver lives. The primary focus is on developing shame resilience skills and daily practices that transform the way we live, love, parent and lead.

We explore topics such as vulnerability, courage, shame, and worthiness and examine the thoughts, emotions, and behaviours that are holding us back, and we identify new choices and practices that move us toward more authentic and wholehearted living.

Waking up the Witch

An immersive weekend in the South Downs courting the wild and sacred Gathering together on the evening of Friday 22nd March until the afternoon on the 24th March 2024 A magical immersive weekend focusing on soulful nourishment, myth telling, story weaving, crafting of ceremony and ritual. This event is now sold out...and we have a waiting list...please click here to join the waiting list. You are invited to join us at The House at The Edge, a beautiful cottage in the South Downs National Park, accompanied by Emma Collins, Kate Fismer and Alex Galviz, three witchy women who have been unravelled and courted by the wild. We have danced long nights at the threshold of intuition, magic, and mystery. We have been dreaming of you, barefooted with the earth between your toes. We are calling in all those whose hearts yearn for wonder, enchantment, nourishment and boldness. Are you ready to join us and to court the wild edge? Is this for me? If you feel called to explore mythtelling, ceremony and ritual. If you’re longing to be rooted and claimed by place and to deepen your relationship with the more than human and unseen worlds. If you seek the […]

Fire Sit Out

An invitation to a Fire sit out and two-days in the woods. Gathering together on the afternoon of Friday 26th April until - afternoon of Sunday 28 April 2024  House at the Edge invites you to a very special event with the Swedish tracker and ceremonialist Miki Dedijer in a small ancient woodland in Clanfield, Hampshire. In this dawning of bluebells, this fullness of spring and with summer on the horizon, we find ourselves in a time of new beginnings, fertility and birth. It’s a subtle verdant threshold between equinox and solstice when the day is lengthening, the night not yet fully shortened. In the old days, after a long winter in the barns, when the meadows were rich and green again, this is when the herders drove their livestock out beyond stale domesticity, to feed and fatten among the bluebells, to calf beneath the coppice, and give milk on the commons. It was a time of great excitement and expectation anchored to considered caution. The season of coupling and of birth comes with the hard-earned understanding that all tender new life needs attentive care and protection. In the cacophony and the ravages of perpetual growth that is eroding the […]

Permaculture Workshop at House at the Edge of the Woods

Join us for an immersive weekend workshop in permaculture, natural farming, food forests, foraging, local foods and the sacred heart of nature. This workshop is a reclamation of a cultural nutritional heritage at the very heart of our love for the living world that sustains us. The workshop will take place at the House at the Edge of the Woods in the South Downs National Park, a beautiful dark skies area in the South of England. The food forest garden, planted over thirty years ago by Tim and Maddy Harland, the founders of Permaculture Magazine, includes over 60 fruit and nut trees, edible and medicinal herbs, berries, vegetables and cultivated fungi. The sauna is heated by wood from our woods chopped by Emma and her coppicing companions. Ten minutes walk down the lane and across the field is 11 acres of ancient woodland, lovingly managed by Emma's community of coppicers, charcoal makers, craftsmen, craftswomen and tree lovers. Local foods are at the very heart of this workshop. Foods that grow abundantly and with ease such as edible weeds or hedgerow and woodland plants that can be foraged safely and with care for the environments they thrive in. We will learn […]

Bone Deep – The stories in our bones

An invitation to Stories in our Bones. A weekend of stories of initiation from the House at the Edge of the Woods. Gathering together on the evening of Friday 13th September until the afternoon on the 15th of September 2024 Once upon a time, a story was told in the heart of the woods.  Once upon a time, people gathered around a fire, and leaned in to listen to words mixed with woodsmoke.  Once upon a time a woman walked into the Forest and stepped off the path…. This is not just ‘once upon a time’, this is our time.  Time to do what wanderers and seekers have been doing for millennia, and step into the Forest.  Just as in the old tales, we won’t walk out the same.  We invite you to a weekend retreat at The House at the Edge of the Woods for a two day story-telling weekend which will include the tale of the Handless Maiden.  This powerful story of endurance, exile, descent and sovereignty is filled with initiation, and is deeply relevant for people of all ages, especially those wondering what is asked of us in our troubled times. What part of yourself has been […]