The Daring Greatly™ method is designed to support men, women, and young people to learn how to show up, be seen, and live braver lives. The primary focus is on developing shame resilience skills and daily practices that transform the way we live, love, parent and lead.

Daring Greatly ™ 4 Month Progam
Going through Daring Greatly™ 1:1 for 4 months is profound and beautifully life changing!
The work is designed to have a big impact on both your personal and professional life so take a deep breath a dive in!
Daring Greatly is for you if:
- You find that the inner critic has too much to say about how you live your life.
- You want to lean into acceptance of who you are, as you are.
- You are fed up with endlessly trying to improve or perfect yourself.
- You want to cultivate courage, joy and wholehearted living.

Daring Greatly™ offers a clear and supportive process to explore topics such as vulnerability, courage, shame, and worthiness and tools that empower you to show up, be seen and live brave!
Together we examine the thoughts, emotions, and behaviours that are holding us back and we identify new choices and practices that move us toward more authentic and wholehearted living.
What you get
- Access to videos and materials to accompany the program.
- Two x 1 hour long sessions per month – either on skype, phone or face to face where possible.
- Practices and exercises to support you in gaining new knowledge about your shame responses, the foundation for shame resilience and how to lean into discomfort and embrace vulnerability.
- Support between sessions to help you stay on track with the program and practices you choose to work on.
- Other resources – books, materials and inspirational ideas!
Want to know more about What is Daring Greatly™? Click here to dive into the background and methodology.
If you prefer a 3-day intensive group experience please click here to see next course dates.